This Friday (26th Feb 2021) was the first official #DoItMakeItShareIt day, so I thought i’d write about how it went and why we did it.

This Friday (26th Feb 2021) was the first official #DoItMakeItShareIt day, so I thought i’d write about how it went and why we did it.
At the end of last year me and Mr French got together to make a free CRM in Airtable. We’d had chats for a few months about the challenge lots of small organisations have with data and CRM’s. So we thought rather than just moaning about it (even though I love a good moan) we should do something. So we took a day out of our respective work and put something together, shared it for free and hoped people might be interested in trying it. You can read about it here

The response was good, several groups reached out to try it out, experiment, and use it for their organisations. Good result. And as we were having these conversations, Mr French said something along the lines of “ we should do this again” and then he said “every month”. He’s nothing if not passionate. Bit of a ridiculous idea if you ask me. But then my god I love a ridiculous idea more than anything, so here we are!
There are some real reasons behind it as well. For me this is very much about sharing. When I work with organisations as a consultant, I do my very best to ensure that everything that is made, designed, learned is shared. I try to make all my work Creative Commons so that others can build upon it. Reuse it, make it better. And I passionately believe we need to do more of this in the sector.
And yes there are selfish reasons for me doing this. Doing something that no one pays me to do is amazingly liberating and gets the creative juices flowing. It gives me a lift, and therefore i do better work. And I hope that others will look at my work, see where it could be improve, and do something about it. AND THEN SHARE IT!
So what is the ethos or rules of #DoItMakeItShareIt
- Last Friday of every month, do, make or share something
- Where ever you get to, share it.
- Be bold, go create.
That is it.
And so we had our first one. And some people joined in. And this is what they did.
And I will do it again next month, and hope that others do as well. If you want to join in, just go for it. Be Brave, Go Create…..and share!