Lessons learned from working together Data for Action worked with ClientEarth for around 18 months. We recently held a retrospective to explore what we all learned about the work. This document looks to summarise the lessons we can learn from.
People as Code The world as we know it is built on a series of rules. Some of these are defined by the foundational principles of the universe…
Grant funding for digital and data in the UK charity sector - a year on have things changed and perhaps how they could change for the better
The Power of a Question-Centered Approach to Data “Imagine if the secret to mastering data lies in our capacity to ask the right questions?
An N of 1 — subjective feedback On my run today I was listening to an excellent podcast about Running (very meta I know). This particular episode focused on using…
Who funds the charity data eco-system in the UK? As part of the work exploring the charity data eco-system I wanted to have a look at who funds what when it comes to data. Here's some data from 2016 - 2021
Working towards a more open, equitable data ecosystem for charities Working towards a more open, equitable data ecosystem for charities: understanding relationships, interactions and where support is needed