Decisions, learning and resilience Exploration of decision making, learning and resilience. Includes exploring 4 key tenets of resilience - Anticipate, Prepare, Respond, Adapt. Also links Triple Loop learning to resilience.
Write like nobody is watching A blog about setting up Ghost, using next.js, supabase and vercel to run a blog/website. Also it's just me writing into the wind.
Let’s end single use projects So much insight, so much knowledge, lost or locked up in organisations and institutions. Evaluations that are never shared. Projects that…
Pebbles and boulders At the back end of last year I pondered listening to my own advice, and getting myself a coach. And so over the past couple of months I’ve…
A new direction, a new focus and a new company. Starting a new company called Data For Action - why and what it's all about
#DoItMakeItShareIt This Friday (26th Feb 2021) was the first official #DoItMakeItShareIt day, so I thought i’d write about how it went and why we did it.