Write like nobody is watching A blog about setting up Ghost, using next.js, supabase and vercel to run a blog/website. Also it's just me writing into the wind.
AI for better? Are we in the FastAI era? A discussion on how I use AI and some of the things I consider when I do.
Open Ideas — the difficult second album About 18 months ago (how!?) i ran an experiment when I asked people to post their ideas openly and then I gave one of them £500 to do so. I now put together a way of continuing the idea of openly sharing ideas.
Let’s end single use projects So much insight, so much knowledge, lost or locked up in organisations and institutions. Evaluations that are never shared. Projects that…
No one wants to bet the under In sports betting there is something called over/under, whereby you bet on a number. Betting the under is something that feels boring even though it's more likely. We do the same when it comes to tech.
People as Code The world as we know it is built on a series of rules. Some of these are defined by the foundational principles of the universe…
Free CRM available to good home! And why we wanted to do it… If are thinking about easy ways to gather and store data and want a free CRM to experiment with read on
Climate, tech and charities A blog on tech, data, climate change and what charities and funders should be thinking about