Weeknote 21-02-25
Writing about Retros, sharing the Question Bank, lots of thinking about closure and endings. Some really interesting things I saw this week.
Weird week this one. Started off flying on Monday, lots of just ticking off tasks and getting stuff done. Got some good hard running and training in. Wednesday were rubbish. I was physically tired and mentally, with the world, just a bit lost/angry. Pulled it back round Thursday and Friday and just started to firing some stuff out there again.
What I did
- Lots of arranging and scheduling stuff for future weeks. Have closed out a couple of projects and moving onto closing out another couple.
- Did some prototyping for a referral/connection app - bit of Airtable and Frontend stuff
- Wrote a couple of requirement docs for CRM's. If anyone is a Microsoft Dynamics specialist, please get in touch!
- Main thing I did this week was write up the learning from a retro post I'd started last week. Felt like it landed fairly well. You can read that post in a couple of places

- Also put out another post about our Question Bank version 2. We've put it live as a next stage prototype. Here's a bit of blurb

You can see and play with the Question Bank here
- Lots more stuff starting to happening with the Neighborhood mapping. t'other Tom shared the original messiness which I think is a reminder that doing something new, different or just good is often messy, and thats ok
- Good chat with t'other Tom about a piece of work we are actually going to bid for. Keeping to our No Bullshit principle we are going with 'what do we actually think is the best thing' not what would hit the tender the most accurately. We'll see what comes of it.
Things I thought about
Inspired by Tris post I thought a lot about Governance. I know, governance can feel boring, but it's not and it's vital. I thought about a few different examples and I'm interested in having Nature or a part of nature on your board. Patagonia was a famous example of having Planet Earth as stakeholder. Not that that isn't cool, but I'm a bit more interested in how things like https://betternotstop.com/nature-on-the-board/ and this play out. Interested to learn more, hopefully learn lots from chatting to Kyle.
- Thought about closures and closed/propriety products a lot. I was sad to hear about the closing of YMCA George Williams College/Centre for Youth Impact. I've worked with them previously, and know there is a lot of good people and good work. It had me thinking about closures and the loss of things in general. I know that the https://decelerator.org.uk/ is around to support better endings, and that's a good thing. But I always think about where insight, learning and knowledge goes. It's a big reason why I'm a fan of Open by Default, Open Data, Creative Commons, etc, as I think it offers at least some insulation.

- I thought about the removal/destruction/alteration of data over in the USA. The fact something like this is happening before our eyes is not got. Things like this are suddenly so vital.
- I thought about who gets to choose what can be accesses and used and how too often this choice is in the hands of people who's sole goal is money. Proprietary software has failed: a community-driven open source security proposal - good read.
Interesting things
- What public datasets will have high impact on AI in the UK?
- Amazing quote in this
- Pleased to see this update to some Charity Investment Principles
- Less pleased to see this "Life expectancy growth stalls across Europe as England sees sharpest decline, say researchers"
- Extracting historical data from planning documents - 💓
- AI Use Case Framework
- Digital Disruption and the Future of Conservation Resource Library
- Stories of Place 2024 Composting #2 | Principles as a compost bed
- https://www.theverge.com/entertainment/615584/bbc-radiophonic-workshop-archive
- https://dougbelshaw.com/blog/2025/02/16/weeknote-07-2025/
- Companies House data in a South Yorkshire CH dashboard
Week off next week. You might get a picture of the sea.